First, Congratulations to Sam and Brett. They welcomed a beautiful little boy into the world last week. His name is Cooper Dean. I can't wait to meet him!
This past weekend Brian headed to Michigan to visit Tim and to hang out with the guys. At first he wasn't sure he wanted to go but I told him I thought he should. This past weekend is probably the only weekend he's going to be able to get away until next spring. Most of our weekends are booked from now until mid-July and then we will not be traveling because Camden is due August 12th. After he arrives we will be spending our days and nights trying to figure out how to be parents!
Anyway, Brian has great time hanging out with is friends and was named "Best Overall" by a bachelorette party that was at the bar they were at! My hottie husband! As for my weekend...The pups and I drove over to Decatur Friday night and spent the weekend with my in-laws and my nephew Zane (who is adorable by the way). I love the fact that I have such a great relationship with my in-laws. My neighbor seemed confused when I told her my plans for the weekend. She just said, "without Brian?". Anyway, it was a nice relaxing weekend. Saturday, Terri, Zane and I went to a couple places downtown Decatur, had lunch at the course and then she showed me around her school. After that we headed back home for a relaxing evening in. Abbey even stopped by for a visit Saturday night. It was nice.
It was fun playng with Zane and seeing how much he's changed. He's walking much faster than he was just a couple of weeks ago. OH! And I even had the chance to change a stinky diaper! Zane laughed at me the entire time! He must realize I'm a beginner!
Sunday afternoon, I headed home. I picked Hannah up at 4pm. We headed back to the house to grill out. I made burgers while she played with the pups. Winston is finally starting to warm up to her. After lunch we took the pups for a walk and then had some ice cream. I think she enjoyed herself. I know she missed seeing Brian so hopefully he'll be able to hang out with us next time.