Monday, August 22, 2011

Ethan - 5 months

Ethan -

Hey little man. It’s amazing how fast the past five months have gone. You’re growing and changing daily.

We started this month out at the lake, celebrating July 4th and your Grandma Laurent’s birthday with your Grandma and Grandpa L, Aunt Maya, Uncle Pat, Zane and Jude. We had a great time and you’re starting to love the lake as much as your big brother. You even took your first dip in the lake.

This was a big month for you little man. You were baptized, you learn how to roll from your belly to your back, you had oatmeal for the first time, you started sitting up on your own (with pillows around you) and you had your first tooth pop though.

You were baptized at our church, New Hope, on July 24th with our family and friends watching over. You did well until the water was poured on your head. The first time your eyes opened wide, the second time your lip started to quiver and the third time you had enough and started to cry. After church we had lunch at our house with everyone and took pictures to celebrate.

Your sleeping habits haven’t really improved any over the past month, but you have decided your favorite sleeping position - your belly. I was a little nervous about this at first because you couldn’t roll back over if you needed to but that quickly changed. I heard you crying one night (July 18th) and when I peaked in at you I saw you push yourself up on your knees and flip to your back! Since then you’ve become quite a little mover…..

You love to eat - July 16th you joined Daddy, Camden and I at the dinner table for the first time. We had the camera charged and ready to go. I was so excited to take a picture of you taking your first bite of oatmeal. I remember how it was with your big brother, I thought you’d take one or two bites and be done. Boy was I wrong - After the first bite you started tapping the tray so excited for another bite. You even grabbed my hand to get the food to your mouth faster. Needless to say, you finished the entire bowl. Every night when I put you in your highchair you sit there, tapping your tray, patiently waiting for your bowl of oatmeal. So cute! I’m excited to see how you like veggies in a couple of months.

So let’s talk teeth – August 1st, one day before your 5 month birthday your first tooth popped through. I’ve been on the lookout for this to happen. Camden had two teeth pop through at about four months so I was pretty sure you would too. I was right. Before laying you down for the night, I checked and there it was. At the time, I thought both bottom teeth had popped through, but only one. I’m glad I was able to get some pictures of you smiling with that toothless smile of yours the past couple of months – No more toothless smile for my little guy.

Your Grandpa Adams came to visit this month and he had you laughing louder than I’ve ever heard you laugh. It was adorable. You laughed this full belly laugh that I had never heard before. I love it! It’s nice to hear you laugh and to see you smiling!
I love you little guy!


Other exciting things that happened this month:
1.Colin’s birthday party