I was getting ready to write about how perfect today was and then it happened.... I loaded the pictures from today onto the computer and well, they're gone! I have no idea what happened but they didn't save and I checked the stupid "delete after copying" box so they're not on the camera either!!!
Well, except for this one "minor" incident, today was such a great day. It started off with me walking into Camden's room to find him looking up at me smiling. Brian then woke up and made us pancakes for breakfast. After Cam's morning nap we heading to the zoo and met up with Laurel, Jason and Cole. We've been taking Camden to the zoo since he was two months and today's the day we've been waiting for....we finally got a reaction. He loves the monkeys! He was laughing and smiling and watching them play. It was perfect. We also learned that Camden loves sitting up on is daddy's shoulders. I had a great picture of Camden on Brian's shoulders and cole on Jason's. Hopefully Laurel took one too.
After the zoo, I did some yard work while Camden played in his pack-n-play, then we headed over to visit Keira and Aiden. I can't wait to see these two boys playing together soon!
Again, I wish I had pictures to share. I feel they would do a better job explaining how perfect our day was. Next time I not selecting "delete after copying"!!!!
Now, Brian and I are going to watch some of the Cavs game and then sit outside on the patio and relax.
Go Cavs!!!