Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ethan - 9 Months!!!

Ethan -

Hi Big Guy! You’re nine months old already. You’re stats for this month - You are now 20 pds 2 oz and 29.5 in. You’re getting so big and this year is just flying by. I can’t believe you’ll be one in just a few short months.

This month was a fun and exciting month! We were traveling and starting our holiday season festivities. We started this month off by attending two first birthday parties in one weekend. First, we headed over to Indianapolis to help your big cousin Jude celebrate his first birthday. We stayed the night at Uncle Pat and Aunt Maya’s then headed back to home in time to attend Reese’s first birthday party. You’ll see by the picture below that Reese’s tutu kept hitting you in the face. So cute!
Reese and Ethan - tutu in the face
On November 20th we took a family trip to Connersville, Indiana to ride the Polar Express. We had such a wonderful family day. The train ride was so fun. We enjoyed hot chocolate and cookies (by we I mean me, Daddy and Camden), talked to the conductor, saw Santa and enjoyed singing some Christmas songs.

Daddy and Ethan having fun on the Polar Express
Ethan and his ticket
My boys on the Polar Express
The following weekend was Thanksgiving. This year, your Grandpa Adams came to our home for Thanksgiving Day dinner. You had such a wonderful time playing with him and showing him your new crawling skills. We spent the rest of the weekend in Indiana with your Grandma and Grandpa Laurent. As always, we had an exciting time hanging out with them, your aunt and uncle and your cousins. Four little boys in one house are so fun!  I think Zane and Camden had the most fun, but  you and Jude will be joining in soon enough!

Grandpa Adams having fun with is boys.

Camden and Zane having fun at Grandma & Grandpa Laurent's
Milestones for the month - On November 4th, you started crawling…backwards. You just could not figure out how to go forward the first few days. However, you figured it out pretty quickly and on November 7th you started crawling “officially”. Now you’re on the move and getting faster every day.   

You had two new teeth come in this month. Two new top teeth came through on the 16th and then two new bottom teeth popped through on Thanksgiving.

You still love food, but towards the end of this month, I tried introducing foods with more texture and you were not happy. All you'll eat are pureed foods. If I get you to open your month for other foods, you spit it out at me and shake your head no. This is just one of many ways you and your brother differ. He loved all foods from the start. I thought you were going to be the same way, but you've decided to be the picky one! It's okay, one day you'll decide to start eating other foods. I'm mean, you there's no way you'll be eating pureed foods when you're 10...right?

You and your brother are starting to play more and more now that you're crawling. When I say play, I mean you take his toys while he's playing with them, he then gets upset and takes his toy back. Most of the time he looks at you and tells you your too small for his toys. It's very cute - you're big brother's looking out for you! If only that were the case! After he takes your toy, he pushes you over or tackles you and ends up in a time out. Daddy and I keep reminding him that  you'll be bigger one day and will remember how mean he's been to you.....

Mommy trying to take a picture of just Ethan

My boys!

I'm looking foward to this coming month when we celbrate your 1st Christmas!

I love you,

Other exciting things:
1.       November 12th weekend - Family trip to Kalahari Indoor Water Park. We had so much fun. You and your brother love the water.

2.       November 15th – Surgery. You had tubes put in.

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