Monday, April 28, 2008

4-D Ultrasound - AMAZING!!!

Saturday, Brian and I, along with Terri and Terry, had the opportunity to take a sneak pic at Camden. My mom and Dennis were also able to see it online which was very exciting. I'm so happy that we got to share this exciting experience with all of them.

The 4-D ultrasound was amazing. Camden wasn't very excited about it but we were. Most of the time was spent trying to get him to lower his hands and arms away from his face (see pics#4). At one point he completely turned away from us. We must have interrupted his sleep time! For about the first 10 minutes the lady performing the ultrasound wasn't convinced he was a boy because he wouldn't uncross his legs for her to confirm it. When she asked what our girl name was he quickly uncrossed them and showed us he's all boy!

Here are some pics of Camden. I think he looks like an old man...a cute old man! Only about 15 weeks left before his arrival!


Anonymous said...

Oh Kristi! He is so beautiful :) You all have to be so excited!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is so neat! I can't wait to meet him!!! He is super cute already!

brad, kate & ... said...

OMG! How amazing! I love it! So great that your mom was involved too! I am sure she loved that! He is a cutie!