Tuesday, August 5, 2008

One week from today...

Well, you are officially due one week from today. I have to be honest, your dad and I are ready for you to come…now! However, we understand that you are on your own timetable and you’ll come when you’re ready or when the doctor decides it’s time. We’re just so excited to finally have you with us - excited to hold you, excited to meet you, excited to get to know you. Your dad has been reading to you but I know he’s looking forward to sitting with you while he reads to you instead of just looking (and poking) at my belly. I have an appointment today at 1:45pm. We’re hoping the doctor says there is at least a little more progress.

As much as I want you here with us, I think I’m going to miss feeling you move around. Everyone laughs or asks what’s wrong because my hands are basically glued to my belly 24/7. I love feeling you move…and you move a lot. The movements aren’t as strong as they were a few weeks ago because you’re running out of room but they’re still there and still make me smile.

Well, hopefully you make your entrance into the world sometime this week. We’d love to be able to have you home by this weekend!

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