Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ethan - 9 Months!!!

Ethan -

Hi Big Guy! You’re nine months old already. You’re stats for this month - You are now 20 pds 2 oz and 29.5 in. You’re getting so big and this year is just flying by. I can’t believe you’ll be one in just a few short months.

This month was a fun and exciting month! We were traveling and starting our holiday season festivities. We started this month off by attending two first birthday parties in one weekend. First, we headed over to Indianapolis to help your big cousin Jude celebrate his first birthday. We stayed the night at Uncle Pat and Aunt Maya’s then headed back to home in time to attend Reese’s first birthday party. You’ll see by the picture below that Reese’s tutu kept hitting you in the face. So cute!
Reese and Ethan - tutu in the face
On November 20th we took a family trip to Connersville, Indiana to ride the Polar Express. We had such a wonderful family day. The train ride was so fun. We enjoyed hot chocolate and cookies (by we I mean me, Daddy and Camden), talked to the conductor, saw Santa and enjoyed singing some Christmas songs.

Daddy and Ethan having fun on the Polar Express
Ethan and his ticket
My boys on the Polar Express
The following weekend was Thanksgiving. This year, your Grandpa Adams came to our home for Thanksgiving Day dinner. You had such a wonderful time playing with him and showing him your new crawling skills. We spent the rest of the weekend in Indiana with your Grandma and Grandpa Laurent. As always, we had an exciting time hanging out with them, your aunt and uncle and your cousins. Four little boys in one house are so fun!  I think Zane and Camden had the most fun, but  you and Jude will be joining in soon enough!

Grandpa Adams having fun with is boys.

Camden and Zane having fun at Grandma & Grandpa Laurent's
Milestones for the month - On November 4th, you started crawling…backwards. You just could not figure out how to go forward the first few days. However, you figured it out pretty quickly and on November 7th you started crawling “officially”. Now you’re on the move and getting faster every day.   

You had two new teeth come in this month. Two new top teeth came through on the 16th and then two new bottom teeth popped through on Thanksgiving.

You still love food, but towards the end of this month, I tried introducing foods with more texture and you were not happy. All you'll eat are pureed foods. If I get you to open your month for other foods, you spit it out at me and shake your head no. This is just one of many ways you and your brother differ. He loved all foods from the start. I thought you were going to be the same way, but you've decided to be the picky one! It's okay, one day you'll decide to start eating other foods. I'm mean, you there's no way you'll be eating pureed foods when you're 10...right?

You and your brother are starting to play more and more now that you're crawling. When I say play, I mean you take his toys while he's playing with them, he then gets upset and takes his toy back. Most of the time he looks at you and tells you your too small for his toys. It's very cute - you're big brother's looking out for you! If only that were the case! After he takes your toy, he pushes you over or tackles you and ends up in a time out. Daddy and I keep reminding him that  you'll be bigger one day and will remember how mean he's been to you.....

Mommy trying to take a picture of just Ethan

My boys!

I'm looking foward to this coming month when we celbrate your 1st Christmas!

I love you,

Other exciting things:
1.       November 12th weekend - Family trip to Kalahari Indoor Water Park. We had so much fun. You and your brother love the water.

2.       November 15th – Surgery. You had tubes put in.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ethan - 8 Months

Ethan –

Hi big boy! You’re now 8 months old and becoming such a little mover! Although you’re not exactly crawling yet, you’re able to get where you want to go. You have this way of moving around in a full circle and scooting your little booty on the floor while you do it. When you get close to what you want, you reach out and if you can’t reach it, you scoot some more. On October 15th, you moved from the sitting position to lying on your belly. You quickly learned that it’s quicker to roll to what you want then scoot. Daddy and I were very excited when you began trying to push up to the crawling position. Those arms are strong enough yet, but they will be soon!

Look at those teeth!
Lock up your daughters!

This was a month full of friends and family. We attended Mia Johnston’s 2nd birthday party, had a fun weekend at the lake house with Will, Mandy and Hudson, attended Shao-Lin and Matt’s baby shower, had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Laurent and had fun with Grandpa Adams on Halloween.

The weekend at the lake with Will, Mandy, and Hudson was very relaxing. It was raining and cold so we stayed in most of the weekend, although Daddy and Camden fished for a little while (Camden caught his first fish!). Hudson is a few months older than you, but the two of you are pretty much the same size. I really enjoyed seeing the two of you play together. I think he’s the one that motivated you to try to start crawling!

Halloween didn’t go as I envisioned. One of Camden’s favorite shows is “Jake and the Neverland Pirates” so per his request, we all dressed up as pirates - even Winston had a pirate hat! I was excited for us all to go trick-or-treating together, but you woke up with a high fever. We kept you home from daycare and Grandpa Adams kept an eye on you for the day. After work I decided to take you in to your doctor. He diagnosed you with a throat infection. Poor little guy, you were in no mood for celebrating. I did manage to get a couple of pictures of you in your costume before putting you to bed.

You and your brother have to be the cutest little boys. Yes, I am bias but really you two are so cute! I love watching you two play and bond. Camden just adores you. One day this month, I was cooking (yes, I do cook occasionally) and I heard a squeal. My heart skipped a beat, I thought Camden pushed you over or something, but to my surprise when I peaked in I realized the squeal wasn’t out of pain or fear. You were laughing hysterically at your brother. He was running back and forth in front of you and you thought it was the funniest thing. So cute! I’m excited to see how the two of you interact when you actually start crawling!

I’m looking forward to all the changes ahead of us. I am so lucky to have you!



Other exciting things:
1. Boo at the Zoo

2. 1st hayride and trip to the pumpkin patch

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ethan - 7 months

Ethan –

Hey big guy. You’re now approximately 20 pounds, 28.5 inches long and wearing 12 month clothing and size 4 diapers.

Your love for food has continued. On September 3rd you had your first vegetable, sweet potatoes. I was a little nervous. I thought you’d take one bite and spit it out, but you loved them. In fact, you ate the entire jar .Yes… jar. At first I was feeling a little guilty about giving you jarred food because I made most of Camden’s food, but I figure I’m breastfeeding you longer so that makes up for it… right? Regardless of where your food is coming from, you seem to love everything so far. Hopefully this continues! By the way, your first fruit was a pear.

The biggest milestone this month- you’re sleeping through the night! Mommy and Daddy are very excited about this. More sleep for you and more sleep for us. One thing that has helped with this is the fact that you can put your paci in your mouth on your own now.

Your paci has become one of your favorite things. It’s funny because we were doing so well at first. We didn’t give it to you very often the first few months. In fact, we never gave it to you before bed or naptime and only gave it to you when you seemed upset. But your last ear infection was pretty bad and lasted about three weeks. Your paci seemed to soothe you so I let you have it as much as you wanted. Now, it’s with you all the time. It’s attached to a cute little monkey and you love it. My plan is to take it away when you turn one, but considering you’re my little baby, we’ll see.

I’ve noticed I’m dressing you different than I dressed your brother. With Camden, I always put him in jeans and two piece Pjs, clothes that made him look like a “little boy”. With you, I find myself dressing you in “baby” outfits. I love seeing you in comfy sleepers and onsies. You are my last little baby, what can I say. I don’t want you to grow up too fast.

You are sitting like a champ now. You fall every now and then, mostly when your big brother is trying to play with you, but you are steady for the most part.

This month we had a lot of fun with bath time. Camden has been wanting you to take a bath with him, but I don’t think you’re ready for the “big boy” bathtub. So, I came up with a fun way for the two of you to bathe together. I filled your tub with water and placed it right next to the bathtub. He pours water in and out of your tub and “shares” his toys with you. The floor ends up soaked, but you two have fun.

I love seeing the two of you bond more and more each day. I love you both more than you could ever know.


Other fun things:
1. Touch a Truck

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ethan - 6 months

Ethan –

Happy half birthday little man! I can’t believe you’re six months old today. This year is just flying by. You’re now 19lbs 1 oz and 28 in. long. You’re wearing 9mth and some 12mth clothing. Big boy!

You started this month off with another tooth. Your second tooth popped through on the August 5th. Yes, you now have two adorable bottom teeth and you love to show them off!

You are a little guy who wants to be involved in everything and know what is going on at all times. Feeding you has become quite challenging because of this. You get distracted so easily and I’ve found you nurse best in your nursery and where it’s quiet. However, If Camden comes in you stop nursing and look around to see what he’s doing. It’s cute seeing the two of you bonding, but you need to eat….and sleep. Napping is pretty much nonexistent at daycare. You’ve decided two half hour naps are enough for you during the day. You’d rather be down playing with everyone.

I’ve been looking forward to you being able to sit up unassisted and that time has finally come. You topple over every now and then, but I don’t feel like I need to keep the boppy around you all the time. I can sit you down with some toys and you’re happy….most of the time.

This month you experienced your second ear infection. I really hope they don’t become a regular occurrence. Your ears seem to drain well so I’m hoping you don’t need to get tubes like your big brother.

This month you helped your big brother celebrate his 3rd birthday. You sported a Mater onesie, per Camden’s request, and seemed to love all the attention you received at his party. Grandma Ziegman flew in for his birthday weekend and had you laughing the entire time. I’m glad you two got a chance to hang out.

Your favorite activities include bath time, hanging out in your jumperoo and singing with Mommy. Bath time is a new favorite activity of yours and mine. I still put you in your infant tub but, since you are able to sit up now, you have discovered how fun splashing can be. I love watching you play and splash in the water and listening to your little giggles.

We took our third and final trip to the lake for the summer at the end of August. You seem to enjoy the boat a little more each time we go. Your favorite part of the weekend had to be when we visited Aunt Beth and Uncle Dan. We met them at the park near their house one afternoon. You loved sitting in the lake, splashing and playing with the toy shovel.

You and your brother seem to bond more and more each day. Camden loves to hold you and give you hugs. If you’re napping and he’s not, he comes to me and says, “Mommy, I want my baby brother”. One day, I found him in your room, trying to wake you up. Adorable!

You are becoming such a little man. I can’t wait to see what this next month brings!


Other fun things:
1. Moved from the carrier to the big boy seat in your stroller.
2. Went to the Marysville Hot Air Balloon fair with Keira, Brandon and Aiden
3. New babysitter - AJ

4. Swing in baby swing at the park

Monday, August 22, 2011

Ethan - 5 months

Ethan -

Hey little man. It’s amazing how fast the past five months have gone. You’re growing and changing daily.

We started this month out at the lake, celebrating July 4th and your Grandma Laurent’s birthday with your Grandma and Grandpa L, Aunt Maya, Uncle Pat, Zane and Jude. We had a great time and you’re starting to love the lake as much as your big brother. You even took your first dip in the lake.

This was a big month for you little man. You were baptized, you learn how to roll from your belly to your back, you had oatmeal for the first time, you started sitting up on your own (with pillows around you) and you had your first tooth pop though.

You were baptized at our church, New Hope, on July 24th with our family and friends watching over. You did well until the water was poured on your head. The first time your eyes opened wide, the second time your lip started to quiver and the third time you had enough and started to cry. After church we had lunch at our house with everyone and took pictures to celebrate.

Your sleeping habits haven’t really improved any over the past month, but you have decided your favorite sleeping position - your belly. I was a little nervous about this at first because you couldn’t roll back over if you needed to but that quickly changed. I heard you crying one night (July 18th) and when I peaked in at you I saw you push yourself up on your knees and flip to your back! Since then you’ve become quite a little mover…..

You love to eat - July 16th you joined Daddy, Camden and I at the dinner table for the first time. We had the camera charged and ready to go. I was so excited to take a picture of you taking your first bite of oatmeal. I remember how it was with your big brother, I thought you’d take one or two bites and be done. Boy was I wrong - After the first bite you started tapping the tray so excited for another bite. You even grabbed my hand to get the food to your mouth faster. Needless to say, you finished the entire bowl. Every night when I put you in your highchair you sit there, tapping your tray, patiently waiting for your bowl of oatmeal. So cute! I’m excited to see how you like veggies in a couple of months.

So let’s talk teeth – August 1st, one day before your 5 month birthday your first tooth popped through. I’ve been on the lookout for this to happen. Camden had two teeth pop through at about four months so I was pretty sure you would too. I was right. Before laying you down for the night, I checked and there it was. At the time, I thought both bottom teeth had popped through, but only one. I’m glad I was able to get some pictures of you smiling with that toothless smile of yours the past couple of months – No more toothless smile for my little guy.

Your Grandpa Adams came to visit this month and he had you laughing louder than I’ve ever heard you laugh. It was adorable. You laughed this full belly laugh that I had never heard before. I love it! It’s nice to hear you laugh and to see you smiling!
I love you little guy!


Other exciting things that happened this month:
1.Colin’s birthday party

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ethan - 4 Months

Ethan -

This past month flew by. Being a working mother of two is a little harder than I anticipated, but I think I’m finally starting to get the hang of it. Today your teacher told me I’m the most organized mom she knows. I had to laugh. Organized? No. I’m just trying to make it thought the day. I’m glad I hide it well.

You had your four month checkup today! You gave your doctor a huge smile and a little giggle when he walked into the room and spent most of time trying to talk to him. He said you're a very happy and curious little guy - or should I say BIG guy. As of today you're 16pds, 12 oz and 26.5 in. You're in the 75th percentile for weight and 90th for height. I love my little linebacker!

Lots of “Firsts” this month – Not only did you sleep through the night for the first time, but you also rolled over for the first time - back to belly.

At the beginning of the month, Daddy and I decided it was time to break your swaddle habit. We knew we were going to have a couple of long sleepless night while you adjusted, but it was time. To our surprise you handled it very well. So well that you slept through the night for the first time! I was so excited. I thought we hit a turning point - I was wrong. You’ve only slept through the night a couple of times since then.

Actually, I don't mind you waking up at night. It's the only time I get to cuddle with you. When I try to rock you at night, just for a few minutes, you get fussy and want me to put you in your crib so you can sleep. You used to love to cuddle. I'm not sure when this changed exactly.

As for rolling over, this happened while we were downstairs playing with Camden. I was so surprised and so were you. Your teachers still don’t believe you’re rolling over. It’s been almost four weeks and you still haven’t rolled over for them.

We headed to the lake this month for Grandpa Laurent’s birthday and Ben’s graduation party. Your first trip to the lake and your first boat ride! You seemed to enjoy the lake house. You loved watching Camden and Zane play inside and out. As for the boat ride, not your favorite activity due to the life jacket you had to wear. I am sure you’ll start enjoying it more as you get older. At least I hope so....

I was really hoping you would not inherit you Daddy’s bad ears, but it appears as though you have. You weren't feeling well earlier in the month so I took you to see the doctor. Turned out to be an ear infection and the start of a respiratory infection. First ear infection = First antibiotic. I hope this is the first and last ear infection for you.

One of your favorite things to do is watch your big brother. You think everything he does is funny. The two of you have really started to bond. Camden loves you and the fact that you’re going to “school” with him now. Every day when I go to his class to get him he reminds me that we have to go to your room and pick you up. He gives you a kiss every morning before I take you to your room and announces that he's your big brother. He loves you so much. He even shares Baby Monkey with you. That says a lot!

The past four months have gone by so fast and I feel like the first two months are a blur. At times I have to remind myself to just stop and enjoy the moment. If I forget, remind me. Okay?

Love you,


Other exciting things:
1. 1st trip to COSI

2. 1st Father's Day

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ethan - 3 Months...

Ethan –
The past three months have flown by. I’m not sure of your exact weight, but I’m guessing you’re almost 15 pounds if not more and around 24.5 inches. We’ll know for sure next month during your four month checkup. All I know - You’re a big boy! I call you my little line backer. I had to pack up most of your 0-3 month clothes earlier in the month. As for diapers, you moved into a size 2 at the beginning of the month and you’re already moving into a size 3!

The weather the past few months has been horrible – record rainfall – so we’ve spent most of our time inside. You’ve grown to love your activity mat and I love watching you reach up to try to grab the animals hanging down over you. We’ve slowly started to introduce you to the bumbo chair and exersaucer. You seem to love them both. Another thing you love (and I love), the fact that you can face forward in the carrier. It’s a hold new world now that you have more head control!

This past month we've settled into a schedule which not only makes you a happy baby, but also makes me a happy Mommy! Now if we could just get you sleeping through the night…

Monday, May 23rd – Your first day of daycare! I cried when I dropped you off that first day. Up until that day it was you and me during the day. I knew I was going to miss you and I did. You, however, made me feel so much better. When I walked into your classroom to pick you up, you gave me the biggest smile and just melted my heart.

Not only did you start daycare this month, but you also had your first trip to Grandma and Grandpa Laurent’s and your first night away from me! Your Daddy and I went to Indianapolis to celebrate Timbo’s birthday while you and Camden stayed with Grandma and Grandpa. You both seemed to have fun and your grandparents enjoyed having you. You had a great time meeting your Great Grandma Laurent for the first time too! You even smiled for her.

Actually you are smiling all the time now and have started letting out little giggles. Adorable! I only have one picture of you smiling though. Whenever I get out the camera you just stare at it like you are trying to figure out what it is. Hopefully you’ll let me take some this coming month.

I’m so excited for the summer. I’m looking forward to spending time with you and Camden at the park, zoo and water park. I’m curious to see if you like the water. So far, you’re not a huge fan of baths.



Other fun things this month –
1. You met your Great Grandma Laurent.
2. Attended your 1st birthday party – Aiden McGlone
3. Made your 1st trip to Indianapolis for your Cousin Jude’s dedication.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ethan - 2 months

Ethan –

Your second month started off a little rough but ended with a smile. I decided to take you to see your doctor at the beginning of the month because you seemed to cry a little more than what I considered to be normal. After examining you, your doctor said he believed you were a little colicky and that the crying would improve over the next month or so. I’m happy to say it definitely has! I’m not sure if it was time or your trip to the chiropractor or the fact that I reduced my dairy intake, but whatever it was, you’re doing much better and we are sooo happy!

You started grinning on April 2nd, but I’m going to say you’re first real smile occurred on April 15th. Until this past week most of your smiles seemed to occur when you were lying on your changing table looking up at a golf picture your daddy taped to the bottom of the shelf hanging above your dresser. Future golfer? Probably. Hopefully I’ll be able to get a picture of your adorable smile this month. Whenever I get the camera out you seem more interested in staring at it than smiling at me.

You’re still sleeping in your car seat, but on April 3rd we decided to move you out of our room and into your nursery. So now you’re sleeping in your car seat in the crib. Hey, whatever works! You wake up every 2 ½ to 3 hrs to eat at this point, but I hope that changes over the next month or so. You did get my hopes up one night by sleeping from 11pm-5:45am!

Not only did you grace us with your first smile this month, but you also giggled! This occurred on April 25th when we were at Laurel’s for a play date. I don’t even know what I was doing, but you thought it was funny! You’re also trying to reach up for the toys hanging from your swing and activity mat.

We went to the doctor for your 2 month checkup and your 1st set of shots. I think we might have a future linebacker on our hands. You weighed in at 13pds, 7 oz and your 24 ¾ inches long! I was so worried about how you would react to getting shots, but you only cried for about 10 seconds and fell right back to sleep!

This month we celebrated your 1st holiday – Easter. Actually St. Patrick’s Day was your 1st holiday, but your Daddy said it doesn’t count so we’re counting Easter as your 1st holiday. Anyway, for Easter the two of us along with Camden headed up to Lorain to spend the day with Grandpa Adams. Daddy had strep throat so he didn’t get to join us. You had a wonderful time meeting the Adams side of our family. Everyone loved you of course.

My maternity leave is almost over and I’m sad to say that we’ve spent most of our days inside. It’s either been too cold to go outside or it’s been raining. We’ve actually had record rainfall this past month. Hopefully it will clear up soon so we can spend some time enjoying the outdoors before I head back to work.

Booger – that’s my nickname for you. Strange I know. I try to stop myself, but every time I pick you up the word booger or boogs comes out of my mouth! I promise I won’t call you this forever!
I’m sitting here trying to finish this letter and you’re crying in your Daddy’s arms. I better go help him.

Ethan, we love you and can’t wait to see what this next month brings.


Other fun things that happened this month.
1. April 10th – Your Grandpa Adams game down to celebrate his 50th birthday and you went to the zoo for the first time.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ethan - One Month

Ethan –

I can’t believe it’s already been an entire month since you entered the world and our hearts. Some say the second child is easier because you know what to expect and you don’t worry as much. Well, I don’t agree entirely. Sure we were aware there would be a lack of sleep on our part (my part) and a never ending cycle of you eating, sleeping, and pooping, but that’s really about it. For the most part I feel I worry just as much as I did with your older brother. I just worry about a larger variety of things. Before you were born I worried about you being healthy, about breastfeeding, about how I would feel about you when you were born, and about how Camden would adjust to having a little brother. Now I worry about you being healthy, about breastfeeding and about how to make sure I am giving you and your brother the individual love and attention that you both need.
You were born on a Wednesday and we left the hospital with two days later on a rainy Friday afternoon. My plan was to ride in the backseat with you like I did when we left the hospital with your brother, but I quickly realized that wasn’t possible. Welcome to life with two kids! There’s no room in the backseat with two carseats. I think we might need that minivan I’ve been wanting! Anyway, your daddy took a picture of the two of us and then I jumped in the front seat.

Our first night home went well…sort of. We quickly realized you hate laying flat. Around 3am, I had your Daddy get the car seat and you’ve been sleeping in it ever since. Whatever works right? Saturday your Grandma Ziegman arrived in Columbus. She stayed with us for a week and got a chance to get to know you and hang out with Camden.

As I mentioned, one of the main things I stressed about before you were born was breastfeeding. Well, at your two week checkup you only weighed 9 pounds 1 ounce which upset me because you weren’t back up to your birth weight. This had me stressing over breastfeeding even more, but after speaking to your pediatrician we came up with a plan. Needless to say you and I have worked through our difficulties and a week later you weighed 10 pounds!

Now there’s a new issue…You cry all the time. Don’t laugh, I’m serious. The first two weeks I kept telling everyone how good you were and how you only cry when you are wet, tired or hungry. Well, that somehow changed over the past couple of weeks. Now, the only time you are not crying is when you’re sleeping or eating. On the bright side, you do sleep well at night. You wake up every 2.5 – 3 hrs to eat and are pretty good about going back to sleep for the most part, but during the day if you’re not sleeping or eating, you’re crying. You seem to calm down if I hold you, but I can’t hold you all the time. Hopefully this crying phase will pass soon!

Our first month together has been stressful, but wonderful. I've enjoyed getting to know you and you me. Please be patient with me as I learn how to and adjust to being a mother of two. I can’t wait to see how you grow and change this coming month!



Other fun things that happened this month –

1. Umbilical cord fell off on March 17th.

2. You had your first "real" bath.

3. 1st road trip – We went drove to Ikea and daddy’s new office.

4. Your Uncle Pat, Aunt Maya, Zane and Jude came to meet you and you had your first photo session with Aunt Maya.