Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Brian, Camden and I celebrated Christmas with my side of the family the weekend before Christmas. We drove up to Lorain Saturday and spent the day at my Aunt Tammie and Uncle Danny’s house with my dad, cousins and Aunt Debbie. We watched old family videos and watched the kids open presents. My dad spent the entire time holding Camden. He even changed his diaper for the first time which was amusing to watch. At one point in the afternoon my Aunt Tammie asked my dad is she could hold Camden. She had to ask because he wasn’t just going to give him up. He’s so good with him.

When we got home from Lorain Saturday evening there was a big surprise awaiting Camden - My mom and Dennis bought him his very own fire truck for his first Christmas!

Christmas Eve we loaded up the car and headed over to Decatur. I had previously mentioned to Brian and his mom that I wanted to start a few simple traditions so we did…

1. Get Camden a cute pair of pajamas to wear Christmas Eve night – I actually forgot to do this but Grandma Laurent saved the day - She found these adorable pj’s for him…

2. Watch a Christmas movie – I didn’t actually think Camden would participate in this tradition this year but he did. We watched “Merry Christmas Charlie Brown” – 25 minutes long - Perfect for Camden’s 1st Christmas.

3. Open one present before going to bed – He opened a small Teddy Bear that sings lullabies.

4. Read a Christmas story before bedtime – We read “T’was the Night Before Christmas”

Christmas morning Camden opened his presents from Mommy, Daddy and Santa and then we headed to church. I was a little nervous about how Camden would react but he seemed to enjoy himself. He spent half the time staring up at the fans and the other half sleeping in his Grandpa Laurent’s arms.

Later in the day, Pat, Maya and Zane arrived. We opened gifts and sat down to dinner. Christmas is so much fun with kids. Zane had a blast opening presents and seemed to really enjoy his presents and some of Camden’s – the drum in particular!

The rest of the weekend was just as fun. Friday we met up with Terry’s side of the family for dinner. Brian's aunt got Camden a new friend. Doesn't he seem so happy!

Then on Saturday, Beth, Dan and the kids came over for dinner. I didn't have the camera out while they were there because had the video camera out instead. I have some funny video of all of us playing Wii! If we ever figure out how to get the video onto our computer I'll share it!!

Thank you everyone for such a great Christmas. We had so much fun and enjoyed spending time with all of you.

Note to self - After reviewing all of the pictures we took thoughout Christmas I noticed we didn't take a family picture! I'm adding that to my list of traditions! Take a family picture!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Here comes Santa...

Camden and I headed to Easton today to see Santa Claus. I had no idea what I was in for. We left our house around 3:30pm and got in line to meet Santa around 4:10pm. The line was long but didn't look too long. After about 30 minutes of waiting in a line that was barely moving the person in front of me asked Santa's helper how long of a wait it would be. His answer... 1-2 hours. WHAT?! The two people in front of me left but I decided to wait. I had already been waiting 30 minutes and I really wanted a good picture of Camden with Santa. I should probably add that Camden did meet Santa Sunday at Brian's Christmas party for work but the picture didn't turn out that way I wanted and the Blue Jackets logo is the backdrop. Anyway, Camden and I spent two hours waiting to see Santa. The first 1.5 hours wasn't bad. Camden was happy and having fun laughing at other kids as they played in line. However, as we got closer to Santa so did Camden's nap and feeding times - this meant fussy Camden was about to deubt. But to my pleasant surprise he handled it well and we got a great picture of Camden with Santa. An added bonus - I got a 5X7 for $5.00 since it was his first Christmas and they let me take pics with my own camera too. Okay, so Santa doesn't look so great but Camden is adorable and so grown up!

Another Milestone...

Camden started eating solids a little over a week ago! It's been interesting to say the least. We've quickly learned that we have to hide his bottle or he won't eat his rice cereal. He was definitely ready for solids. It's like he knew exactly what to do. He's now even starting to grab the spoon...especially if I'm not feeding him fast enough. We have his first "meal" on video and it's hilarious. See the toy in the first picture. Well, while I was preparing his food, he pulled the toys so hard it lost suction and hit him in the face. Sad yes, but also hilarious. The best part is we have it on video! Here are some pics...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Our weekend...

What a weekend! First Terry and Terri came to Columbus for the weekend to watch Camden so Brian and I could attend my company’s holiday party. While they were having fun with Camden Friday night, Brian and I were dancing the night away. Okay, so I was dancing the night away while Brian was talking to friends but, we had a blast. I think it was our first real night out in over a year! We got home around 3am!! I know for a fact that hasn’t happened since before I was pregnant. Thanks Terry and Terri!
Me and my hot hubby...

Me, Santa and Leslie

Andrea, Leslie and me

Saturday, Terri and I headed out to a craft show my friend was in and did some shopping. Saturday evening Terry, Terri, Camden and I attended a Blue Jackets game. We were 3 rows from the ice! I’m not a huge hockey fan but when you’re that close you can’t help but to have fun. Camden was in awe. He was awake most of the time but fell asleep in Grandma’s arms during the last period.

Isn't he adorable in his hat?!

Watching the game with Grandma and Grandpa...

Hanging with Daddy at work...

My mom and Dennis are in town visiting for a week. Brian and I picked them up from the airport Sunday morning at 1am. Although I wish they were visiting under better circumstances, Brian and I are happy to see them. Sunday morning Dennis and Camden met for the first time and my mom got to see how much her little grandson has changed over the past four months. I’m glad they are having time to bond this week. I came home from work today to find my mom and Camden taking a nap together. Cute!

Camden and Grandpa Ziegman...

Camden and Grandma Ziegman...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Four Months Old...

Your 4-month checkup went well today. You are now 15 pounds, 12 ounces and 27 inches long. That puts you in the 75th percentile for weight and the 97th percentile for height! That explains why you seem to have grown out of your 3-6 month clothes already. You must have grown at least 2 inches in the past couple of weeks. Your pediatrician gave us the thumbs up to start you on rice cereal whenever we feel you’re ready. I think we might try that this weekend.

One major change that happened this month - you are now a formula fed baby. My goal was to breastfeed you for 6 months but after this past week, a couple cry sessions with Laurel and a couple of conversations with your daddy, I decided it was time. It was a very emotional decision but I am glad I made the decision before you. Last night I decided to use up some of the stored milk I had and you refused it. I think it had something to do with the fact that you were fed only formula this past week but still…it made me sad.

On a happy note…you have the most adorable smile and laugh! Sometimes when I look at you I find you staring at me with this adorable grin on your face that just melts my heart.

You’re making some new noises and your voice seems to be getting deeper. You love to talk to your toys and you seem more focused when reaching out for them. You still haven’t rolled over and seem to have zero interest in doing so. Tummy time is getting better, although it is still your least favorite activity.

One of your favorite things to do is stand. We used to sit you in our laps while singing and talking to you but now you kick us or stiffen up until we hold you up. You also love your hands. You hold them together like you’re praying or you suck on them… not just your thumb…your entire fist. We've also started putting you in your jumperoo. You seem to love it. The first time I put you in it you started swinging and just looked at me and giggled. Your new trick is wiggling your way around your activity mat. We'll lay you one way and you end up another. You also enjoy wiggling your way around when we are trying to change you! You're already almost too long for your changing table, wiggling doesn't help. It is however adorable and very entertaining. We've started putting foot rattles on your feet. You seem to ignore them until we sit you in your bumpo chair. OH - I almost forgot, you're also trying to hold your bottle!

As for the pups – you’re really noticing them now. You watch them play together and even laugh at them when they wrestle. We get down on the floor and play fetch with them. Griswald sometimes bring toys over to you when you’re on your activity mat and both of them just stop by at times to give you kisses. I’m happy to see you guys bonding.

This past weekend I decorated the house for Christmas. We had an interesting time finding a Christmas tree but I hope it’s a tradition you come to love. We actually have two trees in our house: our family tree and a special one for you in your room. We’ve decided to put a little tree in your room and take you to the store to let you pick out a new ornament for it each year and I’ll buy two of them. I figure this way, when you’re all grown up and move into a place of your own you’ll have some ornaments for your tree and ours won’t be bare. Plus, I'll want to have them to remind me of when you were this little.

Camden, I hope you know how much we love you. You are mommy and daddy’s little miracle and you mean the world to us.

Exciting things that happened this month -
- You're 1st OSU/Michigan game - OSU won!
- You're 1st Thansgiving. We spent it with your Grandma and Grandpa Laurent.
- Grandpa Adams, Great Grandma Adams and Aunt Debbie came to visit.
- You met your Great Grandma Borne and your Grandpa Laurent's side of the family.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree...

I’ve been thinking a lot about family traditions and what family traditions we would like to start in our family. One tradition we’ve decided to start is going out and cutting down our Christmas tree. Brian and I actually did this the first year we were married but skipped last year due to the horrible morning sickness I was experiencing. This year I’ve been so excited about cutting down our tree. I’ve been picturing how the day would go for a few weeks now. Needless to say, the day did not go as I envisioned.

The day started out great. Brian, Camden and I had a relaxing morning and headed out after Cam’s first nap. Everything was going the way I had planned. To make things even better… it was snowing outside! After stopping by Lowe’s to get work gloves and twine (hard lesson learned the 1st year we did this) and by Toys R Us to buy Wii Fit (yeh!), we headed to the tree farm. Once we arrived we realized it wasn’t the same one we went to two years prior. I was a little disappointed since that one had Santa and this one didn’t but things were still okay. After putting Cam in his snowsuit I realized the Baby Bjorn wasn’t going to work. It wouldn’t snap over his snowsuit. This is where things fell apart. The only other option was to put him in his car seat and carry him. He started crying and we were freezing. To make a long story short, we didn’t see Santa, we didn’t drink hot chocolate by the fire, and we didn’t get a Blue Spruce Christmas Tree. In fact, we didn’t cut down a tree at all! Instead we drove 40 minutes to get a precut tree that we could have gotten at Anderson’s which is 2 minutes from our house! Now don’t get me wrong, we actually had a great day and it was definitely memorable. This is one tradition that we will continue. I just hope Camden enjoys himself a little more next year!

1st time in snowsuit....

At the tree farm....

Precut trees....

Brian did most of the work...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving...

Brian, Camden and I (and the pups) had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our family. It started the Sunday before Thanksgiving when my dad, Grandma and Aunt came to visit. My dad spend the afternoon holding and spoiling Camden while the rest of us played Wii. My Grandma almost beat me in bowling!

Grandpa Adams and Camden sneaking in a quick nap...

Thanksgiving morning Brian and I loaded up the Jeep. After we packed everything we “needed” for Camden, I didn’t think we were going to have enough room for our stuff or for the pups. It looked like we packed the entire house! I didn’t realize we would need so much for a weekend trip. It turns out we didn’t. When there’s family around that doesn’t see Camden on a daily basis they are all you need. Next time the swing and Bumpo stay at home!

When we arrived in Decatur, Grandma and Grandpa Laurent got their hugs and kisses in and then we headed over to Aunt Charlotte's house. There were several family members who Camden had never met so it was nice to be able to spend the day with them.

The day after Thanksgiving, Terri and I head out to join in the Black Friday festivities. We left the house at 4:45am and headed to Babies R Us. After BRU we headed to Target and quickly figured out they didn’t open until 6am. People were standing outside in the freezing cold, in a line that wrapped around the building..crazy! We decided we didn’t need anything that bad so we moved on to Toys R Us. It was the same way. I hope Camden doesn’t ever want something that I can only get by standing in line for hours in the cold and then for hours in line to pay for it. But if he does, myself or Brian will probably do it just so we can see the excitement on his face Christmas morning. Anyway, we stopped a Starbucks and Wal Mart and were home by 8:30am! I think we got a lot done in a short amount of time!

We spent the remainder of the weekend at the lake cottage. Friday evening was spent entertaining my nephew Zane and Camden. It was cute to see the boys together. On Saturday, Pat and Maya headed up and we celebrated Thanksgiving with Aunt Beth, Karly, Ben and Uncle Dan. I love the holidays!

It was such a great weekend. We have so much to be thankful for!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

OSU/Michigan Weekend!!!!

First a side note – Our pictures are saved to our personal computer and the internet is hooked up to my work computer, because of this I haven’t been posting as often as I would like. The reason – I like to post pictures to go along with what I write. But from now on I’m going to blog and then come back and post pictures.

What a great weekend – Camden and I “celebrated” his 1st OSU/Michigan game with Laurel, Jason, Cole and some other friends, while Brian headed down to campus to tailgate. We started the morning off by sending pic text of Camden wearing his “Poop on Michigan” shirt to some friends and family. He was so excited. He was even smiling in the picture! I’m brainwashing my child! Not only has he worn an OSU every Saturday since he was born (football season) but I made him wear this “Poop on Michigan” shirt twice last week and he made a “Stomp on Michigan” art project at daycare. He’s either going to love OSU or rebel and love Michigan! Anyway, OSU really did stomp on Michigan this year. I’ve never seen them so bad. (BTW - Abbey and Tim - we missed you!)

After the game and after we all realized Penn State was going to win their game and OSU would probably not be going to the Rose Bowl, Camden and I head home. Before bed, I changed Camden into the Penn State outfit and sent a pic text to is G-ma and G-pa Laurent with the words “Go Big Ten!”. Terri and Terry called and said it looks like I beat him before putting on the outfit. I told them actually as soon as I put it on his started pooping! HA!

On Sunday, my dad, grandma and aunt came to visit. My dad is so cute with Camden. He brought him a new outfit and book. When he gave it to me I could see he was a little teary eyed. I can tell he loves Camden so much. When he visits he doesn’t put Camden down. Even when Camden gets fussy, my dad just holds him and rocks him until he calms down. I love seeing the two of the bond. I have a cute picture that Brian took of the two of them sleeping on the couch. While my dad was holding Camden, the rest of us played Wii Bowling. All in all it was a great weekend!

Blurry cell pic but still cute!
Camden in his "Poop on Michigan" shirt

Camden with the guys!


A lot of our friends and family have it and Brian finally talked me into it - We bought a Wii. Brian is so excited. He’s like a kid in a candy store. He called me three times the night I was supposed to get it to make sure I actually bought it! And the night after we got it, we spent the entire night moving furniture around so we would have more room to play it. The family room actually turned out great. I love the new arrangement! Anyway, our plan is to get Wii fit so we can try to get in shape. Everyone is sold out of it right now but hopefully we can get it soon. We also want to get Tiger Woods golf and the original Mario Bros. I can’t wait to plan a Wii Party!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Three Months Old...

I woke up this morning and the first thing I said to you was “Happy 3 month Birthday”. I’ve spent the day telling you how big and cute you are and how much you’ve changed. And now I’m sitting down to write you your 3 month letter and I find myself feeling a little sad. I just checked my email and I got an update from Whattoexpect.com. The subject of the email is “Your 3-Month-Old Baby: Newborn No More:. The article goes on to say that at 3 months you are officially an infant. WHAT?! Not a newborn? But you’re my precious little newborn. I love seeing you grow and change daily but I’m not ready for you to loose the label of Newborn.

A lot has changed over the past month. The first big change being...I started work and you started daycare. You started on a Monday and I started work on Wednesday. It’s a good thing we planned it that way because I cried Monday morning before we left the house, when we dropped you off, when I called our Grandma Ziegman and when your Grandma Laurent called to see how the day went. Now keep in mind, our Grandma Laurent called after I had already picked you up! I also cried Tuesday morning but by Wednesday I was fine. That may have been because your daddy dropped you off alone on Wednesday. Anyway, daycare is going well. You even made your 1st art project. It’s your footprint made into a ghost for Halloween!

I know I say this every month but you have grown and changed so much this past month. I had to clean out your closet again. You’re now wearing all 3-6mth clothing and even some 6-9mth and you’ve moved into size 2 diapers! Tummy time is still difficult for you but it’s getting better. You’ve also started to roll to your side while playing on your activity mat and you’re reaching for your toys. You’re also talking all the time and you even laughed for the 1st time this month. I can’t wait to hear that more often. OH! And Daddy's happy - you held you're 1st golf club!Another thing you’ve started to do this month – pull my hair. Ouch!

Other exciting things that happened this month –
- Grandma and Grandpa Laurent came to visit. Grandpa was excited because Penn State beat OSU.
- You attended your first wedding and your first baby shower.
- We went to the zoo again. We’ll be spending a lot of time there thanks to G-ma and G-pa L.
- You’re 1st Halloween – You were a pumpkin at daycare and Tigger while we handed out candy.
- We went to the pumpkin patch and daddy picked out a pumpkin for you.
- You attended your 1st hockey game. Laurel, Jason and Cole went with us.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Two Firsts in One Day...

Camden laughed for the 1st time today! Brian was playing "Tickle Monster" with him and he laughed! It was so cute. His 1st smile was for Brian and now his first laugh was too! Should I be jealous? I guess at least I've been there during these firsts! Anyway, the second first that occured today...Camden held a golf club for the first time! We're so proud!!! I think we have a future PGA player on our hands!!

Happy Halloween!

I can't remember a better Halloween. It was such a great day. It started off when I got a picture text from my two guys. When I opened it I saw Brian holding Camden who was dressed in his pumpkin outfit for daycare. What a great way to start the morning. Then in the afternoon the three of us headed to the zoo! We had so much fun! I think Camden's favorite part was the aquarium. After the zoo, we dressed Camden in his Tigger costume. ADORABLE! I know I'm a little bias but he's the cutest thing ever. We passed out candy with all of our neighbors and towards the end of the evening we all walked around the neigborhood and passing out our remaining candy. After trick-or-treat was over we ordered pizza and hung out in our neighbor's driveway for a bit. It was such a fun day.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Congratulations Andrea and Tom

Brian, Camden and I traveled to Indianpolis last weekend to attend my friend Andrea's wedding. It was so nice to see all of my friends who I haven't seen in such a long time. As for the wedding itself, everything was gorgeous! At one point, Brian said he felt like he was in a movie. Everything was perfect - the location, the colors, the cake, the food, the flowers, the dress...perfect!

Camden stayed with Grandma Laurent and Zane while we attended the wedding but he did go to the reception with us. I wanted everyone to have a chance to meet him. We danced to our song and then he passed out! He looked so adorable in his outfit!

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hard week coming up...

We have a hard week coming up. Camden starts daycare and I start work. I'm not looking forward to either one. I mean, I'm looking forward to getting back to work in a way but I've really enjoyed my time at home with my little boy. And the thought of leaving him at daycare just upsets me. The 1st two days are "trial" days... a way for me to work myself into leaving him there. I think once he's there, I'll be fine. It's the walking out the door and leaving him with a complete stranger that will be the hard part. Luckily Brian will be dropping him off most mornings! The good thing is I will be working my way back into a full work day. I will be working from 7am-noon in the office and then work from home for a few hours in the afternoon so Cam won't have to be at daycare the entire day at least until the 1st of the year.

Anyway, I know he'll be fine and adjust well. I just need to get through the 1st day.

Two Months Old...

2 Months – You are now 13 pounds and 23.5 inches long!! I can’t believe how fast you’re growing. You’ve changed so much over the past 9 weeks. You’re smiling all the time! You’ve also started sticking out your tongue. It’s a “game” we play together. Daddy or I will stick out our tongue and you copy us or vice versa. It’s so cute and gets you smiling every time. Another thing you enjoy doing is lying on your activity mat and reaching up for the toys that are hanging down. You’re not very fond of tummy time yet. I’m sure that will soon change.

As for your sleeping habits during the night, they’ve improved - either that or I’m just getting used to not sleeping. The good thing is you’re sleeping in your own room. You started sleeping in there consistently when you were about 3 weeks old. We’ve started a bedtime routine and you’ve started to fall asleep in your crib which is nice but you’re having a hard time staying asleep after your nighttime feeding. You typically wake up around 2:30am to eat and then wake up every hour until 6:30am at which time I just stay up. Again, I love you wanting me with you but Camden, Mommy needs sleep. I start work next week so we’ll have more of a daily routine. I’m sure that will help. I’m hoping we can get you to eat at 2:30am and then sleep until 6am.

One fun thing we’ve started doing this month is Baby Laptime. We go to the library on Mondays for about ½ hour. We learn songs and read books and at the end of the class you have a chance to socialize with other infants. When you’re awake you seem to enjoy yourself. I’ve learned a few new songs which I’m sure you are happy about. I think you were getting sick of hearing the ABC’s 20 times a day.

You had your 1st set of shots on Friday. I have to say you handled it like a champ. You only cried for about a minute and then seemed to be fine. The doctor was impressed with your eye contact and said you’re doing great. He also laughed when I told him about you waking up every hour and said that you have me trained well! All I could do is agree with him!

Other fun things that happened this month:
1st trip to the zoo.
We took a road trip to Cleveland to visit Grandpa Adams and for you to meet my side of the family.
We took a road trip to Indianapolis to visit Aunt Maya, Uncle Pat, and Cousin Zane.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

First Trip to the Zoo...

The Columbus Blue Jackets had an event at the Zoo Tuesday evening so Brian and I decided it would be the perfect time to take Camden. The event took place after the zoo closed so we basically had the exibits to ourselves. Although we only spent about 30 minutes looking at select animals it was so much fun. Our first stop was the penquin exhibit. Camden was sleeping as you can see below. We then headed over to see the lion which had decided to move indoors so we could only see his huge paw. After that we walked over to the tiger exhibit which we all three loved and spent most of our time. There were two tigers - one was laying around but the other one was playing with a ball. It was awesome to see this huge tiger playing ball just like our little pups do. Brian took some cute pics and we moved on to some smaller animals and then the elephants and rhino's. I can't wait to take him back next year when he will actually be interested in what we're seeing. The best part of the night for me was seeing Brian holding Camden, explaining the animals to him and telling him stories of when his grandma and grandpa brought him to the Columbus Zoo.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Cool Website...

While reading Parents magazine, I came across an ad for Cozi.com - an online calendar. I decided to check it out because I've been looking for a way to keep Brian and I organized on what we have going on especially since the hockey season has started. I've tried the calendar on the fridge and it doesn't work. We both keep things on Outlook at work. The great thing about this online calendar is that you can sync it to Outlook! Oh - and you can start/keep your grocery list (or other lists) on the website and if you forget to print it off...you can text it to your phone. Anyway, Brian and I are going to try it out. - Just thought I'd share.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Yesterday afternoon it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was fine all morning but then around 1:30pm I started to feel sick. Abbey stopped by to visit on her way back to Decatur and I just kept telling her that I felt nauseous. After she left I laid on the couch with Camden and started to fall asleep when all of a sudden...I couldn't even make it to the bathroom! I spent the rest of the afternoon calling Brian (who was golfing) hoping he would check is phone. How was I going to make it though the rest of the day? No one tells you how to take care of a newborn when you can barely stand or take care of yourself. Needless to say, we made it through. Brian got home around 7pm and I immediately handed Cam over to him and went straight to bed. Around 11pm Brian said Camden needed to be feed and told me he was starting to feel sick. Anyway, Brian and I were sick the entire night. This morning when I took our temps - mine was 100.4 and B's was 100.9. My fever finally broke around 1pm and I started to feel fine, Brian however, now had a temperature of 101.9! The good news is Camden seems to be fin - I've been taking his temperature all day. Hopefully Brian starts to feel better soon.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I finally got some pictures of Camden smiling while trying to take pictures for his birth announcement (I'm a little behind). I couldn't get a full face smile out of him but I hope to get that on camera soon. I thought these were cute so I just had to share them.