When we got home from Lorain Saturday evening there was a big surprise awaiting Camden - My mom and Dennis bought him his very own fire truck for his first Christmas!
Christmas Eve we loaded up the car and headed over to Decatur. I had previously mentioned to Brian and his mom that I wanted to start a few simple traditions so we did…
1. Get Camden a cute pair of pajamas to wear Christmas Eve night – I actually forgot to do this but Grandma Laurent saved the day - She found these adorable pj’s for him…
2. Watch a Christmas movie – I didn’t actually think Camden would participate in this tradition this year but he did. We watched “Merry Christmas Charlie Brown” – 25 minutes long - Perfect for Camden’s 1st Christmas.
3. Open one present before going to bed – He opened a small Teddy Bear that sings lullabies.
4. Read a Christmas story before bedtime – We read “T’was the Night Before Christmas”
Christmas morning Camden opened his presents from Mommy, Daddy and Santa and then we headed to church. I was a little nervous about how Camden would react but he seemed to enjoy himself. He spent half the time staring up at the fans and the other half sleeping in his Grandpa Laurent’s arms.
Later in the day, Pat, Maya and Zane arrived. We opened gifts and sat down to dinner. Christmas is so much fun with kids. Zane had a blast opening presents and seemed to really enjoy his presents and some of Camden’s – the drum in particular!
The rest of the weekend was just as fun. Friday we met up with Terry’s side of the family for dinner. Brian's aunt got Camden a new friend. Doesn't he seem so happy!
Then on Saturday, Beth, Dan and the kids came over for dinner. I didn't have the camera out while they were there because had the video camera out instead. I have some funny video of all of us playing Wii! If we ever figure out how to get the video onto our computer I'll share it!!
Thank you everyone for such a great Christmas. We had so much fun and enjoyed spending time with all of you.
Note to self - After reviewing all of the pictures we took thoughout Christmas I noticed we didn't take a family picture! I'm adding that to my list of traditions! Take a family picture!